John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."  複数ブログの過去記事を移管し、管理の委託を受けています/※場合により、語る対象の「ネタバレ」も在ります。ご了承ください 


有名HP「プロレスパワー」のZach Arnoldが再びジョシュ・バーネットへのロングインタビューを敢行、赤裸々に諸問題を語っていることと、その大半が「バーニングスピリット」ブログにて和訳されていることは、既にご存知であろう。


いや、実はここを翻訳するにはそれ相当の理由がありまして、実は私と”Japanese Beat”などでちょっとしたご縁のあるザック氏は、インタビュー前に当方へ「ジョシュに何か、聞きたいことがあったらどうぞ」とメールしてきたんです。

I want to ask him
1: The simulation about Josh vs Mark Hunt
2:What do you expect 2005 K-1GP,Your good rival Semy Schilt and Bob Sapp's K-1 fight



ジョシュ その、宿命ってやつが正解だろうね。もし君がさ、ばしばしとキックを放っていったら、相手は当然ブロックするわけで、そうすると君の攻撃のいくつかは防御されるよね。


ジョシュ この試合は「コリアンバーベキュー(朝鮮焼肉)大食い大会・史上最強王者決定戦」だよ(笑)。あの焼肉って、サイコーなんだぜ(笑)


ジョシュ この二人が食い足りるほどの牛が、ニッポンにいるかどうかは分からないけどねえ(笑)。


ジョシュ チェは、肉体的には凄いものがある。いまのところ全勝だしね。巨体で、しかも筋肉質の体の持ち主だ。何しろサップよりでっかいんだからね。


ジョシュ ゲーリーは、とにかくバツグンに進歩してるよ!彼のK-1での通算勝率って五分五分ぐらいなんだっけ?ちょっと正確には覚えて無いんだけど、どっちにしろここ最近
言わば、「対K-1戦特化型 改良版ゲーリー・グッドリッジ」とでもいうかね。これまでゲーリーはパワーに欠けてるところは全然無いけど、テクニック不足に付け込まれていたんだ。


君はバンナに関して、あまり悪い予想はしたくないだろうね。僕も素直に考えればうーん、初戦の再現(註:バンナの勝ち)になるんじゃないかなという気がするよ。会場がマジでどっかんどっかん言うような展開も含めてね。バンナにも、ゲーリーをぶっ飛ばすだけのパワーがあるんだから。However, let's see. Do not count Gary count out right away.

Q: Regarding Kid, his main rival Masato got injured in another tournament. Masato seems to have a problem with injuries and takes a physical beating even in fights he wins (such as broken foot, urinating blood). Is Masato fragile or is it the nature of the sport?

Josh: It is the nature of the sport. When you are throwing kicks most of the time, they get blocked and some of your offense is blocked. I have watched Thai boxing at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas and watched John Wayne Parr versus a Thai champion and both fighters blasted each other. It is bone-on

  • bone attacking. You can hardly walk away from kickboxing without getting hurt. It is about luck.

Q: We talk a lot about K-1 and we have to mention Bob Sapp, a man the promotion has invested a lot of resources in. They have him in the ultimate freak show match on 9/23 at the Osaka Dome against Choi-Hong Man. On our radio show, we nicknamed Hong Man Mr. "Sakubaba" (Sakuraba + Baba). What should we make of this 9/23 Osaka fight?

Josh: They could have the biggest Korean BBQ eating contest of all time. Korean BBQ is the best. *laugh*

Q: So you are saying the two men are going to have a Korean BBQ eating contest instead of a fight?

Josh: *laugh* I don't think there are enough cows in Japan to feed those two men.

Q: What do you think of the actual pairing in a fight?

Josh: Choi is a physically imposing man. He has a lot of skills to bring to the table. He has won all of his fights. He is huge and muscular, bigger than Bob Sapp. Seeing a man like that in the ring is similar to what people feel when they see Bob in the ring. They are incredible specimens and you want to watch them. Bob is a star. Win, lose, or draw, he has done it all in Japan.
However, no one is really knowledgeable about Hong Man because he has fought in Hawaii and South Korea, so he hasn't had that break-out fight in Japan.

Q: A real big fight on the 9/23 Osaka card is Jerome Le Banner vs. Gary Goodridge. A couple of years ago, Le Banner KO'd Gary in 40 seconds in October 2002 at Saitama Super Arena. It was explosive. However, Goodridge has left PRIDE and went to K-1 and has been doing very well. How should we judge (view) this fight given Le Banner's arm injury (which never has really healed)?

Josh: Things have gone well for Gary and he's doing a lot better. I don't know if Gary's overall K-1 record is .500 (even wins versus losses), but he's certainly done better recently and has shown that he has acclimated himself better to the K-1 style. He has made improvements in his stand-up game. Gary never lacked in power, but his lack of finesse (technique) hurt him. Le Banner has been known to have a little bit of a glass chin and can go down after a punch, but he gives a much better punch than he takes. You do not want to cause bad intentions with Jerome Le Banner. I can honestly see that this fight may be a repeat of the first encounter - real explosive, but Le Banner has the power to hurt Gary right away. However, let's see. Do not count Gary count out right away.


